Mean growth of mushroom green mold species on carbon sources for which statistically significant differences among the species were detected. ⧫, T. aggressivum; ▪, T. pleuroticola; ○, T. pleurotum; —, H. lixii/T. harzianum. The order of the carbon sources is the rank of the growth on 95 carbon sources and water, based on optical density at 750 nm at 96 h for the mean of six strains of H. lixii/T. harzianum. Carbon sources utilized differently by T. pleurotum and other species are in shown in boldface, underlining indicates cases in which all green mold species were different from H. lixii/T. harzianum, and use of italics indicates the case in which T. aggressivum and T. pleurotum were different from two other species.