Coexpression of PalI from the alcAp promoter results in the plasma membrane localization of PalH-GFP. Germlings of strains expressing the indicated proteins under the control of the alcAp gene were cultured as described in the legend to Fig. 3, with a 3-h (A to F) or a 5-h (G to J) induction period, as indicated. (A and B) Coexpression of PalI with PalH-GFP promotes the plasma membrane localization of the latter. (C and D) As described in the legend to panels A and B above, using PalI-(HA)3 rather than untagged PalI. (E and F) Coexpression of PalC does not promote plasma membrane localization of PalH-GFP. Note that the distribution of PalH-GFP in this strain cannot be distinguished from that shown in Fig. 7 (in the absence of PalC coexpression). (G) After a relatively long period of PalH-GFP transgene induction, the reporter almost exclusively localizes to strongly fluorescent cytosolic specks (arrows) and to the vacuole (v). (H, I, and J) In marked contrast, PalH-GFP predominates at the plasma membrane if PalI-(HA)3 is coexpressed using the same induction regimen. Note the clearly patchy appearance of PalH-GFP at the plasma membrane, the strong labeling of septae (s), and the peripheral punctate structures. Bars, 5 μm.