FIG. 1.
LPS structures of P. multocida strains Pm70 and VP161. Two LPS inner core forms are observed for both strains; one is as shown (inner core glycoform A), while the other has the boxed residues replaced by the boxed residues shown between the Pm70 and VP161 structures and labeled inner core glycoform B. The Pm70 and VP161 genes that are either known or predicted to encode transferases for each addition are shown below or beside the appropriate linkages. The LPS expressed by P. multocida strain X-73 is identical to the VP161 LPS molecule shown except that a phosphoethanolamine residue is linked to the 6 position of each of the terminal galactose residues. Residues are Glc, glucose; Hep, heptose; Gal, galactose, GlcNAc, N-acetylglucosamine; PEtn, phosphoethanolamine; KDO, 3-deoxy-d-mannooctulosonate; P, phosphate.