FIG. 3.
Effect of chlorpromazine, Congo red, and MS-8209 on sheep prion propagation in CGNOv cultures at an early or advanced stage of infection. (A) CGNOv cultures were infected on day 2, two treatments (chlorpromazine, 5 μM; Congo red, 7 μM; MS-8209, 7.5 μM; or solvent, 0.1%) were performed on days 5 and 8, and cells were lysed on day 12. Control wells of CGNOv and nonpermissive CGN0/0 cultures were infected similarly and left untreated (Control). (B and C) CGNOv cultures were infected on day 3, drugs (B, Congo red at 1.5 μM and 7 μM; C, 7.5 μM MS-8209 or 0.1% solvent) were added 1 day or 11 days after prion exposure and then twice a week; cells were lysed on day 21 (respectively, after 5 or 2 treatments). PrPres was revealed by immunoblotting of PK-treated lysates using biotinylated monoclonal antibody ICSM18. d.p.e., days postexposure.