Figure 2.
Template requirements for stable interaction with RdRp. (A) Schematic of proscripts containing 5′ truncations of the template. The initiation site is denoted with an arrow. Proscripts containing the +1 c/g mutation (circled) are unable to direct RNA synthesis. The names and I50 values for each construct are listed to the sides. (B) Determination of I50 values. The amount of activity from the −20/15 proscript directing synthesis of a 15-nt product was measured in the presence of increasing amounts (up to 10-fold molar excess, 250 nM) of competitor templates. The I50 value was determined as the concentration of competitor needed to reduce the 15-nt product from 25 nM of the −20//15 proscript by 50%. The identities of the various proscript competitors are labeled to the right. Data points represent the mean of at least three independent experiments with the SD expressed as error bars.