FIG. 3.
Cerebella from Math1-cre FoxM1Fl/Fl animals appear grossly normal at P7 and P21 (A). Insets of H&E-stained sections show parts of the cerebellar EGL with proliferating granule cell precursors that, in P7 wild-type mice, express FoxM1, as shown in panel B. As expected, FoxM1 is lost in cerebella from P7 Math1-cre FoxM1Fl/Fl mice (B). Western blots show the levels of FoxM1 expression, and normalized quantities are given in percentages. In situ hybridization for mutant mice reveals no FoxM1 expression in the cerebellum but clear signals in the forebrain subventricular zone (SVZ) and rostral migratory stream (RMS), where Math1-cre is not expressed (inset in panel B, arrows). The Sonic hedgehog target genes Gli1 and Nmyc as well as Math1 are properly expressed in FoxM1-deficient granule cell precursors (C).