Significant relationships between spatial turnover species richness and selected environmental variables (both linear and squared terms). (There were 8968 degrees of freedom for all species richness terms; for environmental terms, there were 7891 degrees of freedom in the case of linear models and 7890 in the case of quadratic models. For βsim and βj estimated proportion of variance explained is reported as R2 values taken from equivalent OLS regression models. In the case of βw, the overall proportion of total deviance explained (Pp. expl. D) for equivalent non-spatial Poisson error models is used as an estimate of variance explained. For significant linear and quadratic terms, + and − indicate positive and negative slopes, respectively, with level of significance coded as: +++/−−−, p<0.001; ++/−−, 0.001≤p<0.01; +/−, 0.01≤p<0.05.)