Fig. 2.
Influenza virus stimulates an increase in GrB+ CD8 T cell frequency, especially GrB+ CD62Lhigh CD8 T cells. Human PBMC stimulated with or without A/Wyoming/03/2003 [A/H3N2] for 20 hours or 5 days. A, GrB+ CD8 T cells appeared after stimulation with virus for 20 hours. All GrB+ CD8 T cells expressed the early activation marker, CD69. B, GrB+ CD8 T cells were CD62Lhigh after stimulation of PBMC with A/Wyoming/03/2003 [A/H3N2] for 17 hours. C, GrB+ CD8 T cells increased after stimulation with influenza virus for 5 days, particularly in the CD62Lhigh (arrow) CD62Llow subsets. Greater than 90% of GrB+ CD8 T cells were CD62Lhigh/low. Numbers represent the percentages of total CD3+CD8 T cells.