Figure 2.
Expression of lumican and fibromodulin during normal tendon development. Lumican and fibromodulin expression were analyzed using semiquantitative RT-PCR. (a) Representative ethidium bromide stained gels showing PCR product bands for lumican, fibromodulin, and coamplified GAPDH bands. Three or four different batches of PCR products generated from independently prepared total RNA between postnatal day 4 and 16 or day 21 and 3 mo were applied to a single gel. (b and c) Band density was determined densitometrically and relative density was obtained by using both band density and the PCR product size ratio, lumican 656 bp, fibromodulin 418 bp, and GAPDH 289 bp. The relative density was normalized using GAPDH and plotted for (b) lumican and (c) fibromodulin.