Peptides used in this study. (A)
Peptide sequences of p23wt, p23A, p23AS, and Wbp1p. p23wt represents
the cytoplasmic domain of p23 known to bind coatomer. p23A binds
coatomer less efficiently than the wild-type peptide, whereas the
peptide p23AS has lost this capability. Wbp1p represents the
cytoplasmic domain of a subunit of the yeast
N-oligosaccharyltransferase complex and contains a characteristic KKXX
ER-retrieval motif also known to interact with coatomer. (B)
Immobilized, photoreactive p23wt peptide (125I-F*-p23wt).
The natural Phe at position −8 was replaced by the photoreactive
(F*, Tmd-Phe). F*-p23wt peptide was immobilized by coupling to
thiopropyl-Sepharose by a disulfide bond and was radioactively labeled
with [125I]iodine.