Impaired phagocytosis after degradation of VAMP-2
in J774 cells. (A–C) J774 cells were injected with
TeTx-LC in a solution containing fixable FITC-dextran as a marker of
injection. After 5 h of incubation at 37°C, the cells were
stained with antibody to VAMP-2. (A) Bright field
micrograph. Bar, 10 μm. (B) Green fluorescence (Lucifer
yellow emission) of the field shown in A identifying two
injected cells. (C) VAMP-2 immunostaining in the cells shown
in A. (D–F) J774 cells were injected
with tetanus toxin and FITC-dextran as above, then assessed for their
ability to perform phagocytosis of opsonized SRBCs. (D)
Bright field micrograph. Inset (D′) shows
cell injected with dextran alone. Arrow indicates location of
representative internalized SRBCs. (E and
E′) Green fluorescence emission of the cells shown in
D. Arrowhead demonstrates the displacement of
FITC-dextran by internalized the SRBCs. (F) Effect of toxin
injection on phagocytosis. Data are means ± SE of 250 noninjected
control (Ctl) cells, 175 buffer- (Buf) injected controls, 244 TeTx-LC-
(Tet) injected cells, and 75 botulinum- (Bot) injected cells (asterisks
indicate P < 0.05 vs. Ctl). (G–I)
J774 cells were injected with TeTx-LC as above and then assessed for
their ability to bind opsonized SRBCs. (G) Bright field
micrograph. (H) Fluorescence emission of the cells shown in
G identifying injected cells. (I) Effect of
toxin injection on SRBC adherence to J774 cells. Data are means ±
SE of 165 noninjected control (Ctl) cells, 64 buffer- (Buf) injected
controls, 75 TeTx-LC- (Tet) injected cells, and 57 botulinum- (Bot)
injected cells. Images are representative of five separate