Fluorescence intensity profiles of LMC509 (FtsZ(Ts), A and B), LMC510 (PBP3(Ts), C), LMC531 (FtsQ(Ts), D) and LMC500 (wild-type, E) cells. After growth at 28°C in 1/2 GB1 LMC509 cells were shifted to 42°C for 2 MDs, and immunolabelled with anti-MurG (A, 28°C) and (B, 42°C). LMC510 and LMC531 cells were grown at 28°C in GB1 to steady state and shifted to 42°C for 2 MDs, and immunolabelled with anti-MurG. LMC500 cells were grown at 28°C in GB1 after which aztreonam was added and growth was continued for 2 MDs before the cells were immunolabelled with anti-MurG (E). Similar patterns shown in A were also obtained for the other temperature-sensitive strains when grown at 28°C in GB1. The average normalized cell length is given on the x-axis. The y-axis represents the average normalized fluorescence intensity.