Recombinant hVEGF-B186 increases the
expression and activity of uPA and PAI-1 in BME cells. (A)
Replicate filters, containing 5 μg per lane of total cellular RNA
prepared from confluent monolayers of BME cells incubated in the
presence of 50 ng/ml hVEGF-B186 for the indicated times,
were hybridized with 32P-labeled cRNA probes as described
in the text. RNA integrity and uniformity of loading were determined by
staining the filters with methylene blue after transfer and
cross-linking (Bottom); 28S and 18S ribosomal RNAs are
shown. (B) Cell extracts prepared from BME cells, incubated
in the presence of hVEGF-B186, VEGF, or bFGF at the
indicated concentrations for 15 hr, were subjected to zymography
(Upper) and reverse zymography (Lower) as
described in the text.