Figure 8.
The effect of β2 or δ subunit mutation on the expression of α6β2δ receptors A, the GABA concentration–response relationship for α6βY157Fδ receptors for three oocytes with 30 nA (•), 70 nA (○) and 180 nA (▾) of spontaneous current. The mutation within the GABA-dependent activation domain (α6βY157Fδ) did not abolish the spontaneous activity. The continuous lines represent the fit of the GABA data points with a sum of two Hill equations for α6βY157Fδ receptors at different expression levels. The dashed line shows the overall plot of the fit of the GABA concentration–response relationship data with a sum of two Hill equations for the wild-type α6β2δ receptor (intermediate expression). The dotted line shows a plot of the fit (group data) of the GABA concentration–response relationship data with a sum of two Hill equations for the α6βY157Fδ receptor. B, the δR287M mutation attenuated the spontaneous activity and the GABA maximal current. Top shows the amino acid sequence between the TM2 and TM3 domains of the δ subunit, indicating the position of Arg287. At equivalent expression conditions, the wild-type receptor showed high levels in comparison to no spontaneous activity for α6β2δR287M receptors (corrected for control leak, see methods). The maximal-induced GABA current for mutated receptor was significantly reduced as compared to that for wild-type receptor.