Figure 3.
Activity of DE-cadherin with α-catenin in place of the cytoplasmic domain (DE-cadherinΔCyt/α-catenin). (A) Schematic representation of wild-type DE-cadherin and DE-cadherinΔCyt/α-catenin. (B–F′) Expression of wild-type DE-cadherin (B and D) and DE-cadherinΔCyt/α-catenin (C, E, and F) in shg-null mutant (shg R69) follicle (B–E) and border cells (F). (B–E) Edge of the mutant clone (cells with increased staining) is indicated by the green line. (F) One border cell (asterisk) is mutant. (B, C, and F) All DE-cadherin is detected. (D and E) Only surface DE-cadherin is detected. (G) Oocyte positioning when follicle cells are shg-null mutant and express the indicated transgenes. (H) Border cell migration in shg-null mutant border cells expressing the indicated transgenes. Three independent transgenic lines were tested for DE-cadherinΔCyt/α-catenin. (I–J′) DE-cadherin levels in shg P34-1 mutant follicle (I) and border cell (J) clones. (I) Mutant cells are indicated by the presence of GFP (green). (J) Three border cells (asterisks) were mutant. Compare DE-cadherin staining between adjacent wild-type cells (arrowhead) with staining between adjacent mutant cells (arrow). (F, I, and J) Phalloidin (red) stains F-actin and DE-cadherin is in blue. Bars (B–E, I, and I′), 20 μm; (F, F′, J, and J′) 10 μm.