Figure 1.
ERG phenotype and expression of TRP in trp14 flies. (A–F) ERG recordings. Flies <1 d after eclosion were dark-adapted for 2 min before exposure to a 10-s pulse of orange light (indicated by the event marker below the ERGs). (A) Wild type (wt); (B) trp P343; (C) trp 14; (D) trpl 302; (E) trpl 302;trp P343; (F) trpl 302;trp 14. (G) Time required for 60% return to the dark state. Shown are the mean times in seconds (s) based on ERGs obtained from ≥20 flies of the indicated genotypes. SDs are indicated. (H–J) Photoreceptor cell responses assayed by intracellular recordings. 1-d-old flies were dark adapted for 2 min before being exposed to a 10-s pulse of orange light. Scale bars are provided indicating the amplitude (mV) and timescale (s). (H) wt; (I) trp P343; (J) trp 14. (K) Expression of TRP in mutant alleles assayed on Western blots. Head extracts were prepared from flies <1 d after eclosion and a Western blot was first probed with anti-TRP antibodies and subsequently with anti-NORPA antibodies to provide a loading control. The positions of protein size markers (kD) are indicated. (L) Expression levels of core members of the signalplex in trp 14. The Western blot was first probed with anti-TRP antibodies and then reprobed with anti-INAD, anti-NORPA, anti-INAC, and anti-tubulin antibodies. (M) Relative TRP protein levels in trp 14 flies. The TRP protein level in trp 14 heads was compared with wt, trp P343, and trp 14 heterozygotes. The intensities of the bands were determined using a phosphoimager. SDs are indicated.