Figure 1.
Some cells born in the adult cortex express neuronal markers. (A) A 4–5-wk-old cell labeled with BrdU and the mature neuronal marker NeuN is shown within the green box in A1. Sample z-planes through the boxed area in A1 are shown with color separation in A2, demonstrating colocalization of BrdU and NeuN but not NG2; note that the green BrdU label and the red NeuN label both peak in brightness at the same level (z = 1.5 μm). The location of the cell shown in A is circled in the small diagram of a coronal section from the appropriate rostrocaudal level (Bregma 1.2); the analyzed region of cortex is shown in yellow on the diagram, and the subcortical white matter, used as a boundary for the analysis, is shown in blue. (B) A 4–5-wk-old BrdU+ (NG2−) neuron labeled with the neuronal marker HuC/D is shown within the box in the multi-channel view in B1 and in orthogonal views in B2. Also note the BrdU+/NG2+/Hu− cell in B1. (C) A 4–5-wk-old BrdU+/NeuN+ neuron that is also immunoreactive for the neuronal glutamate transporter EAAC-1 is seen in color separation in C1, with the blue nuclear counterstain Hoechst 33258 (Hch) added in the multi-color view. Higher magnification views of selected individual z-planes are shown in C2. (D) An 11–12-wk-old BrdU+/NeuN+/NG2− neuron. (E) An 11–12-wk-old BrdU+/NSE+ neuron is shown within the box in E1, at higher magnification with color separation in E2, and in orthogonal views in E3. Images show single focal planes (C1, E1, E2) or Z-axis projections of 14 × 0.64 μm, i.e., 14 planes, 0.64 μm apart (A1), 14 × 0.51 μm (B), 8 × 1.05 μm (D1), or 14 × 0.5 μm (E3). Bars: 5 μm in orthogonal views; 10 μm in all other views.