Figure 5.
Reduction of Jurkat CRAC current by STIM1 suppression. (A) Current development in selected control 2A4 Jurkat cell. Cells were first bathed in Ca2+-free Jurkat external solution for 5 min and dialyzed with BAPTA-containing Jurkat internal solution. CRAC current was revealed after exchange of Ca2+-free Jurkat solution to 20 mM Ca2+ Jurkat external solution. Maximal current density was evaluated at −110 mV. (B) Leak-subtracted current-voltage relationship of fully developed CRAC current recorded in the same control 2A4 Jurkat cell. (C) Suppression of CRAC current in STIM1-suppressed 4A5 Jurkat cell. (D) Leak-subtracted I-V relationship in the same cell, as in C. (E) CRAC current density in control 2A4 cells (circles, n = 11) and STIM1-suppressed 4A5 cells (squares, n = 11). Horizontal lines indicate the mean value of current density in each group. (P < 3 × 10−6).