Distribution of mutations within the BCL-6
5′-noncoding sequences of 37 single GC B cells. (Upper)
Schematic representation of the BCL-6 gene. Coding and noncoding exons
are indicated by filled and empty boxes, respectively. The PCR fragment
amplified for mutational analysis is approximately positioned below the
map and blown up in the lower panel to show the
distribution of mutations. Each line represents a 20-bp interval of the
BCL-6 sequence amplified, and the first nucleotide of the BCL-6 cDNA is
designated as position +1. Mutations included single base pair
substitutions (closed ovals) and deletions (brackets). For each cell,
identified by its code number, the type and exact position of the
mutation are specified on the right column (Δ, deletion). Note that
all of the 68 nucleotide exchanges, including deletions, were found in
heterozygosis when both alleles were amplified (cells marked by an