Protein alignments of FAIM. (A) Comparison of FAIM protein sequences from rat, mouse, human, C. elegans, D. melanogaster, G. Gallus, and D. rerio. Identical amino acids are shaded in black, and those with conservative changes in gray. The additional 22 amino acids of the long form are underlined. Some protein sequences are available from GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ under accession no. NP_543171(rat FAIM-S), AAL77007 (rat FAIM-L), NP_035940 (mouse FAIM-S), NP_060617 (human FAIM-S). The remaining sequence data were predicted from nucleotide sequences BE986872 (mouse FAIM-L), BQ638715 (5′ human FAIM-L), BU323531 (G. gallus), the combination of BG304437, AL923876 (D. rerio), AF003387 (C. elegans), and NM_137164 (D. melanogaster). (B) Semi-quantitative RT-PCR quantification of FAIM-S and FAIM-L expression in different rat tissues (top) and in P1 mouse SCG neurons, E15 mouse cortical neurons, and PC12 cells (bottom). As controls of the amplification GAPDH and L27 ribosomal proteins were used. C(−), control PCR reactions without reverse transcriptase; M, 50-bp DNA ladder marker.