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. 2004 Nov 8;167(3):545–554. doi: 10.1083/jcb.200405024

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Cranial neural crest modulate surface integrin levels in a substratum-dependent manner. Cell surface–labeled integrins were immunoprecipitated and analyzed on Western blot. (A and B) Average band intensities (relative to the high substratum condition) are given below each lane. (A) Cranial neural crest down-regulate surface levels of the laminin receptor integrin α6, but not the fibronectin receptor integrin α5, when cultured on high (LM20) compared with low (LM1) concentrations of laminin. (B) Surface levels of both integrin α5 and α6 are equivalent in cranial neural crest cultured on low (FN1) and high (FN20) concentrations of fibronectin. (C) The average relative band intensity ratio (LM1:LM20 or FN1:FN20) for both integrin α5 and α6; y-axis is a log scale. Means and 95% confidence intervals from at least five independent experiments are as follows: LMα5 1.07x (1.01–1.13), LMα6 2.04x (1.79–2.34), FNα5 1.02x (0.95–1.11), and FNα6 0.95x (0.90–1.01). Asterisk indicates that the average band intensity of integrin α6 on LM1 is significantly greater than on LM20 (P < 0.002; Mann-Whitney U-test). Average band intensities for all other conditions did not significantly differ. Equal protein amounts were used for immunoprecipitations.