Virus-containing vacuoles in MDM labeled with antibodies to LAMP-1. (A) Cryosections from MDM infected with HIV-1 Ba-L for 7 d were labeled with a rabbit antiserum to LAMP-1 and PAG10. Note gold labeling associated with the large virus-containing vacuole, including gold particles on individual virions (white arrowheads). However, lysosomal membranes nearby contain significantly more gold particles (arrows). (B) Cryosection double labeled with rabbit anti-LAMP-1/PAG5 and anti-p17/PAG10. The large virus- containing vacuole contains many p17-labeled virions, whereas a few 5 nm gold particles identify associated LAMP-1 (e.g., at the white arrowheads). More strongly LAMP-1–labeled membranes are observed nearby (arrow). (C) A large virus vacuole triple labeled with anti-p17/PAG5, anti-CD63/PAG10, and rabbit anti-LAMP-1/PAG15. Many virions are labeled with the anti-CD63/PAG10 (black arrowheads), and some also contain a few LAMP-1/PAG15 particles, some of which are identified by white arrowheads. The rare, small internal vesicles contain just CD63 (small arrows). CD63 and LAMP-1–labeled membranes are also observed nearby (large arrows). Bars, 100 nm.