Figure 3.
Sequential entry of different size dextrans during phase I of NEBD. (A) Average values and standard deviations of experiments similar to Fig. 2 B. n = 5, 3, 9, 19, and 6 for the 25-, 70-, 90-, 160-, and 500-kD dextrans, respectively. (B) As in A plotted semilogarithmically to compare entry rates and the time differences of the start of entry. A 1% increase was defined as the starting point of entry (see A and Fig. 2 C). (A and B) The <7% of the 160-kD dextran that entered before phase II most likely represent the entry of the smaller molecules in the polydisperse fraction (see Discussion). (C) Entry rates of dextran molecules into the nucleus, calculated for all individual datasets shown in B and averaged (for details see Online supplemental material available at