Figure 6.
Constrained iterative deconvolution of SRP RNA and B23 protein signal in the nucleolus. Raw (A) and deconvolved (D) midplane of a NRK cell nucleolus containing GFP-B23. Raw (B) and deconvolved (E) midplane of same nucleolus showing SRP RNA signal. (C and F) Overlays of B23 (green) and SRP RNA (red) images showing regions of similar intensities in yellow. (G) Linescan of left vertical line in F. (H) Linescan of right vertical line in F. Each linescan shows, from left to right, the intensities (arbitrary units) of B23 (green) and SRP RNA (red) along the line indicated in F, proceeding downward from top to bottom. Linescans are displayed with the minimal linescan intensity at the origin of the y-axis.