Figure 2.
Ad transiently stimulates fluid phase but not tfn uptake. (A) FACS® analysis of dex-FITC uptake into Ad2-infected HeLa cells (♦, red), ts1-infected cells (▪, green), and noninfected cells (•, blue). Cells with cold bound Ad2 or ts1 (30 μg/ml) were warmed and pulsed with dex-FITC 5 min before washing and analysis by FACS®. A typical plot of cell number versus FITC fluorescence (log scale) is shown in the inset (10 min p.i.). (B) HRP uptake into Ad2-infected (red) and noninfected HeLa cells (blue). Cells were pulsed with HRP for 5 min (as in A), surface HRP was inactivated by MESNA treatment at pH 8.5 (inset), and intracellular HRP activity (units mg−1 min−1) was determined spectrophotometrically in cell lysates. Results are expressed as fold stimulation of HRP uptake with respect to noninfected cells at 5 min after warming. (C) Transferrin uptake. Infected and noninfected HeLa cells were starved in DME-BSA for 5 h, incubated with tfn-488 (10 μg/ml), acid washed in the cold at pH 5.5 to remove ∼90% of the surface-attached tfn (not depicted), and analyzed for green fluorescence by flow cytometry. Results are expressed as mean values of tfn-488. The inset depicts cell number as a function of tfn-488 fluorescence in log scale at 10 min p.i.