Figure 1.
Sodium currents from HSV-1–infected and uninfected DRG neurons. (a) Sodium currents evoked by a voltage step from −80 to 10 mV in control, uninfected DRG neurons and 24 h after infection with HSV-1. (b) Temporal effects of HSV-1 infection on normalized sodium currents in DRG neurons. Adult rat DRG neurons were infected with 5 plaque-forming units HSV-1/DRG neuron in vitro. At intervals during HSV-1 infection, sodium currents were recorded and normalized for cell capacitance. The mean-normalized sodium current ± SEM is plotted against time after infection. DRG neurons infected with HSV-1 for 24–30 or 48 h had significantly smaller normalized currents than neurons infected for less time (Kruskal-Wallis statistical test followed by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov pairwise comparison; P < 0.0001).