Figure 3.
Effect of HSV-1 infection on calcium currents in DRG neurons. (a) Leak-subtracted raw traces illustrating the separation of LVA and HVA calcium channel currents. (b) The mean-normalized peak HVA and LVA calcium current ± SEM of uninfected or DRG neurons infected with HSV-1 for 24 h. The HVA- and LVA-type calcium currents did not differ significantly between the uninfected and the infected neurons (t test, P > 0.3). (c) Two families of calcium channel currents evoked by a range of command potentials between −80 and 40 mV from an uninfected and infected neuron. The current traces were leak current–subtracted. (d) The graph shows the mean-normalized conductance ± SEM from control (•; n = 36) and infected (▪; n = 27) neurons and the normalized calcium currents ± SEM plotted against prepulse potentials from control (○; n = 9) and infected (□; n = 8) neurons. The continuous lines were obtained by fitting Boltzmann functions to the mean-normalized data.