Figure 5.
Influence of transcription inhibitors on localization outside of chromosome territories. (a–c) Histograms showing the distribution of signals relative to the 11p (a and c), or 11q (b) territory edge (μm) after FISH with probes cI-11p15–46 in 11p15.5 (a), 80N22 (b), and β-globin (c), to MAA fixed lymphoblast nuclei from untreated cells (open bars), and from cells treated with DRB (filled bars) or ActD (hatched bars). n ≥ 75. (d) The proportion of territories in untreated cells (open bars), or ActD treated cells with both IGF2 and cI-11p15–25 loci contained within the 11p territory (in–in), both loci outside of the territory (out–out), or with one locus in and one locus out.