Methylation of p16 in premalignant
lesions, CIS, and SCC. (A) Lymphocytes microdissected from
in and around the SCC constituted the normal (N) tissue for analysis.
Other areas analyzed included normal appearing bronchus (NB) within the
cancer field, adjacent CIS, and SCC obtained from three patients.
(B) Precursor lesions and SCCs obtained through biopsy or
lobectomy from several different cases. Lesions microdissected included
basal cell hyperplasia (Hyper), squamous metaplasia (Meta), CIS, and
SCC. Cell lines H249 and U172 serve as positive controls for detecting
unmethylated (U) and methylated (M) p16 alleles,
respectively by MSP. A PCR product of the appropriate molecular weight
(151 bp for U, 150 bp for M) indicates the presence of unmethylated
and/or methylated p16 alleles in that sample.