Figure 3.
Effects of Mg2+ on gating current were measured in the absence of permeant ions and presence of extracellular tetraethyl ammonium (TEA) to block the pore. (A) Ig evoked by 0.5-ms pulses to +200 mV in the presence (dotted traces) or absence (solid traces) of Mg2+, from two different patches testing the effects 10 or 100 mM Mg2+. (B) Mean QC-V relations in 0 (•), 10 (▵), and 100 (♦) mM Mg2+ are fit by Boltzmann functions with identical equivalent charge (zJ = 0.58e) (Horrigan and Aldrich, 2002) and were normalized by the fit amplitude (QcMax). QC represents the charge distribution for closed channels, determined by fitting the initial 50–100-μs decay of IgON with an exponential function with time constant τgFast and integrating the area under the rising phase and fit (Horrigan and Aldrich, 1999). (C) τgFast-V relations for the patch in A are shifted by −21 mV in 10 mM Mg2+. Relations are fit by functions of the form τgFast = [α(V) + β(V)]−1 where α and β are forward and backward rate constants for voltage sensor activation (0 Mg: α(0) = 58600 s−1, β(0) = 1930 s−1; 10 Mg: α(0) = 45400 s−1, β(0) = 2350 s−1) (zα = 0.3 e, zβ = −0.2e). Representative Cg-V relations obtained with admittance analysis for (D) WT or (E) E374A/E399N channels in the presence (black curves) and absence (gray curves) of 10 or 100 mM Mg2+ are fit by the derivative of a Boltzmann function with respect to voltage (dotted curves) with identical amplitude and charge (zJ = 0.58e). Shifts along the voltage axis indicate the change in VhC (ΔVhC). Arrows indicate the upper voltage limit of the fit that was determined over a range where most channels are closed (Po < 0.1). (F) ΔVhC = [VhC(Mg2+) − VhC(0 Mg2+)] for WT (♦, n = 6) and E374A/E399N (⋄, n = 4) determined from Cg-V relations.