Figure 3.
VPA mediated CAR transcriptional induction enhances adenoviral transduction and transgene expression on HeLa, T24 and MCF7 cell lines. A) Cells were treated with VPA as described in materials and methods. Twenty-four hours after treatment, cells were then transduced for 1 hour with Ad.CMV.Luc. 1 hour post adenoviral transduction, cells were washed and harvested for luciferase gene semi-quantitative PCR analysis. B) Cells were treated with VPA as described in methods. Twenty four hours after pharmacological treatment cells were then transduced for 1 hour with Ad.CMV.Luc. 48 hours post adenoviral transduction cells were harvested and assayed for luciferase activity. Asterisks indicate statistically significant changes among control vs VPA groups (p < 0.05).