Competition between VanR and PhoB. Expression of
phoA (encoding bacterial alkaline phosphatase, Bap) and
a PvanH-lacZ fusion report on
PhoB and VanRa activation, respectively. VanSa
or PhoR were synthesized under PrhaB control
in cells expressing phoB,
vanRa, or both behind its native promoter.
Bap and BG were assayed as in Table 1 in medium with rhamnose and 2 mM
(Excess) or 0.1 mM (Limited) Pi. Arrows on the right are in
proportion to Sp Act values (nmol product made per min per
OD420). With no rhamnose, Bap and BG Sp Act values of all
strains were ca. 0.1 ± 0.1 and 1.0 ± 0.2,
respectively. Strains are integrants of BW25053
(ΔphoBR) or BW25124 (ΔphoR): JCS289
(pJS126, pMP1), JCS297 (pMP3), JCS304 (pJS126, pMP3), JCS338 (pMP1),
and JCS342 (pMP3).