Histopathology and immunohistochemistry for LMP1
in lymphoma and lymphoid infiltrate. (A) Follicular center
cell lymphoma (lineage 3), large cell type. The normal architecture of
the spleen is effaced by sheets of large neoplastic cells with abundant
cytoplasm. The nuclei are irregularly shaped, with clumped or
marginated chromatin and sometimes prominent nucleoli. Mitotic figures
are frequently present. (Hematoxylin and eosin; ×600.) (B)
Lymphoid infiltrate in the lung. An aggressive lymphoid-cell infiltrate
(lineage 6) has invaded the adjacent alveolar tissue. Analysis of DNA
extracted from this tissue demonstrated monoclonal heavy chain
rearrangement on Southern blot. A high level of LMP1 was detected by
immunoblot analysis of a protein lysate prepared from this tissue.
(Hematoxylin and eosin; ×200.) (C) Expression of LMP1 in
the lymphoid infiltrate shown in B. The tissue was
stained with rabbit polyclonal anti-LMP1 and detected with an
immunoperoxidase-tagged goat anti-rabbit serum. LMP1 is detected as
dark brown staining in the cell membrane, with some cells showing the
characteristic capping. (×1,000.) (D and
E) Expression of LMP1 in lymphoma tissue and
negative-staining control (lineage 3). The splenic lymphoma tissue was
stained with either rabbit polyclonal anti-LMP1 (D) or
normal rabbit serum at same dilution (E). The staining was
detected with fluorescein-conjugated goat anti-rabbit antibody. LMP1 is
detected as green fluorescence in the plasma membrane, with some cells
showing the characteristic capping. (×1,000.) (F) Presence
of cytoplasmic Ig in the lymphoma. The same lymphoma tissue depicted in
D and E was stained with
tetramethylrhodamine B isothiocyanate -conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG.
IgG is detected as red fluorescence in the cytoplasm of most cells.
This lymphoma also expresses a high level of LMP1 and was shown to be
monoclonal by IgH gene rearrangement (see also Fig. 4
and B). (×1,000.)