Figure 2.
The Cas SH3 and SD are required for transmission of survival signals from FN and FAK. (A, panel 1) Diagram of the domain structure of Cas and the isolated Cas SH3 domain. (A, panel 2) Expression of isolated Cas SH3 domain with GFP-FRNK disrupts survival. Coexpression of full-length Cas and Cas SH3 in a 4:1 DNA molar ratio restores survival. (A, panel 3) Western blot of lysates of cells transfected with Cas SH3 or Cas, and with both Cas and Cas SH3 at increasing ratios of Cas cDNA. A paxillin reblot of the same membrane shows that sample loading is similar in all lanes. (B, panel 1) Diagrams of Cas cDNAs with deletions of the SH3 domain (CasΔSH3), the substrate-binding domain (CasΔSD), or the Src-binding domain (CasΔSrc-BD). (B, panel 2) Expression of CasΔSH3 or CasΔSD triggers high levels of apoptosis, whereas expression of CasΔSrcBD does not. (B, panel 3) Western blot showing that all Cas constructs are expressed in RSF at similar levels. Reblot of the same membrane with an anti-paxillin antibody shows similar loading in all lanes.