Figure 6.
The nucleolar assembly isolated from pol I–deficient cells can recruit pol I to result in a transcriptionally active complex. (A) The nucleolar components copurify and coprecipitate when prepared from yeast strains not active in pol I–dependent transcription. (Upper panel) 8 μg of fraction PA600 derived from stationary cells (lane 3), from strain delta 135, which was disrupted in the A135 pol I subunit (strain OG39-6d) (lane 2), and from growing cells was analyzed by Western blotting with antibodies as indicated. (Lower panel) 1.25 μg of each PA600 fraction was analyzed in promoter-dependent transcription. (B) Purified pol I can be reassociated into a functionable assembly. Purified pol I-p (7 μl), which also contained pol I/Rrn3p complex but lacked TBP-cpl and fraction B600 (see Milkereit et al. 1997; Milkereit and Tschochner 1998) and thus was not able to initiate transcription on the rDNA promoter by itself, was combined with 12.5 μg (lanes 1–3) or without (lanes 4–6) fraction PA600 derived from strain Δ135 lacking A135 and adjusted to 1.5 M potassium acetate. The fractions were dialyzed against buffer BU100 containing 100 mM potassium acetate and centrifuged. Precipitated components were resolubilized in buffer BU600 containing 600 mM acetate and analyzed in promoter-dependent transcription. (C) In vitro assay to analyze the pol I–recruiting activity. Purified pol I coprecipitates with components present in fraction B2000 (Δ135) rather than with constituents in fraction B600 (Δ135). 0.5 μg pol I-A was combined with either 6 μg fraction PA600, 4.8 μg fraction B600, or fraction B2000, all derived from the pol I–deficient strain Δ135 in a total volume of 25 μl, adjusted to 1.5 M potassium acetate, dialyzed against buffer BU100, and centrifuged. Precipitates were resolubilized in 15 μl BU600 and analyzed in nonspecific RNA synthesis.