Figure 5. Dominant negative Rit strongly interacts with Par6 independent of its PDZ domain.
(A) COS cells were transfected with GST or GST-Par6C and Flag-tagged RitWT, RitL79 or RitN35. GST precipitations were performed as in Figure 4B. Note that RitN35 displays stronger association with Par6 than either RitWT or RitL79. Blots are representative of three independent trials. (B,C) Biotinylated Par6C was bound to streptavidin-coated plates and incubated with the indicated concentrations of recombinant GST, GST-PCKι, or GST-Rit pre-loaded with non-hydrolyzable GTPγS (GTP) or GDP. Binding isotherms for PKCι (B) and GTPγS-Rit and GDP-Rit (C) to Par6 indicate that PKCι binds Par6 with much higher apparent KD than Rit and that GTP- and GDP-Rit bind to Par6 with similar affinities. (D) COS cells were co-transfected with GST, GST-Par6C full length, GST-Par6CΔPDZ, or GST-Par6CΔN and Flag-RitN35and whole cell lysates were generated and subjected to GST pull-down analysis as described under “Materials and Methods”. Blots are representative of three independent trials.