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. 1998 Dec 28;143(7):1775–1787. doi: 10.1083/jcb.143.7.1775

Figure 7.

Figure 7

Bub1 localization in Δswi6 cells. Cells from strain 429 (Δswi6 bub1-HA) were grown to early log phase in YES medium at 26°C, fixed, and then stained with rHA and tubulin. (A) Top, cell in prophase; middle, cell in prometaphase; bottom, cell in metaphase. Bub1 staining in prophase and prometaphase is as in a wild-type background but the staining remains intense and punctate in about half of Δswi6 metaphase cells. (B) Bub1 appears diffuse on lagging chromosomes. An anaphase B cell is shown with a lagging chromosome lying in between the two separated chromatin masses (right). The same cell stained with mHA (left) shows a faint punctate signal leading the main chromatin masses. The lagging chromosome is diffusely stained with mHA and does not show any punctate staining.