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. 1998 Dec 28;143(7):1775–1787. doi: 10.1083/jcb.143.7.1775

Table V.

Frequency of Abnormal Anaphases in Δbub1 Cells upon Depletion of Swi6

Strain Relevant background Swi6* Number of late-anaphase cells analyzed Late-anaphase cells with lagging chromosomes§
+ 203  1 (0.5%)
 57 nmtswi6, bub1 +
300  8 (2.7%)
+ 202 15 (7.4%)
399 nmtswi6, Δbub1
100 50 (50%)

 Cells were grown to early log phase at 32°C on minimal medium without thiamine (Swi6 +), then thiamine was added and cells grown for 8–10 generations (Swi6 −). Samples were fixed and processed for tubulin and chromatin staining.  

 Late-anaphase cells were defined as cells with a spindle length greater than 5 μm.  


 Cells were classified as having lagging chromosomes when DAPI-stained material was observed on the spindle, at least 1.5 μm away from one spindle pole. Parentheses, fraction of anaphase cells with lagging chromosomes.