Figure 1.
Experimental design of the ISG fusion assay. (a) Processing of SgII by PC2. The major sulfated processing products of SgII (38, 24, and 18 kD) are illustrated with the full-length protein (86 kD). Solid boxes, sequences recognized by the antibodies used in this study; arrowheads, the di-basic amino acid sites used by PC2; solid dots, the tyrosine residue which is sulfated by TPST. (b) Scheme of ISG– ISG fusion assay. *, [35S]sulfate-labeled proteins. See Materials and Methods for details. (c) Immunoprecipitation with ab100, ab175, and ab69 using lysates obtained from [35S]sulfate-labeled PC12/PC2 cells (lanes 1–3) or PC12 cells (lane 4). Arrows, position of SgII (p86), and the processing products p38, p24, and p18.