Figure 6.
Wild-type embryos (A and B) and embryos injected with colcemid during phase 2 (C–F) observed 30 min later. Embryos were fixed and stained with antibodies to β-tubulin (A and B, green and white, respectively), βCOP (A, B, E, and F, red), BiP (D, red), Neur (C, D, and F, green), Arm (C, red), or with Hoechst (blue). N, nuclei. (A and B) Microtubules extend basally where the bulk of the Golgi apparatus is concentrated at the beginning (A) and end (B) of cellularization. Arrowheads point to the FC. (C) Neur (green) accumulates in the basal cytoplasm in abundant punctate structures and is not detected in the plasma membrane marked with Arm (red). (D) BiP (red and white) is concentrated in the usual apical perinuclear location and is excluded from the basal cytoplasm where Neur (green) is concentrated. (E) βCOP is in the usual form of punctate structures in the basal cytoplasm. (F) Higher magnification view shows that βCOP (red) and Neur (green) either colocalize (arrowheads) or are associated (arrows).