Figure 3.
Intraembryonic reflection and selective masking of fluorescent signal by pigmented cells in whole-mount embryos. 32-cell stage embryos were injected with dextran-fluorescein (DF, mol wt = 10,000) in one dorsal (less pigmented, A) or one ventral (highly pigmented, B) animal cell in tier 1. The lens effect is demonstrated in whole-mount A where fluorescence is seen in many surrounding cells. In contrast, only two less intensely fluorescent cells are seen in whole-mount B. However, sections of embryo A in C and of embryo B in D confirm that after either injection, the junction-impermeable dextran-fluorescein is confined to the injected cell and to those cells that are joined by cytoplasmic bridges. Bars: (A) 250 μm; (C) 200 μM.