Figure 6.
Differential regulation of HMOX1 and TXNRD1 by BACH1 and NRF2. (A) ChIP analysis of NRF2 and BACH1 interactions with ARE sites of HMOX1 and TXNRD1 before and after 25 μM arsenite treatment for 3 h. Binding of NRF2 (top panel) and BACH1 (bottom panel) to HMOX1 E1 and TXNRD1 is expressed relative to binding at the HMOX1 E2 enhancer element. Expression of HMOX1 (B) and TXNRD1 (C) mRNA was measured in HaCaT cells following treatment with 25 μM hemin, 5 μM MG132 or both in the presence (shaded bars) or absence (filled bars) of 5 μM CHX. Relative mRNA was determined by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT–PCR), normalized to β-actin mRNA and expressed as percent maximum expression. Values represent at least three independent experiments quantified in triplicate ± SEM.