Figure 10.
Olfactory adaptation and recovery in krz1 homozygotes. The EAGs of krz1 homozygotes (P{UASkrz}T12/+; krz1, P{hspGal4}/krz1) and hspGal4/+ flies were measured prior to and following a 30-s adapting stimulus of either (A) OCTor (B) MCH. The percentage of EAG recovery is shown as the amplitude elicited by 1-s pulses of odor at the indicated times following the adapting stimulus. There were significant effects of both time and genotype for OCT and MCH. The asterisk (*) indicates significant difference by Bonferroni–Dunn post hoc analysis. Independent flies were used for the two odors. n = 8 females of each genotype in each experiment.