Table 1.
All of the ErbB-stimulatory ligands are presented along with their ErbB preference. Interactions with the indicated ErbB homodimers (above diagonals) and the corresponding heterodimers with ErbB-2 (below diagonals) are indicated by using a color code: The most mitogenic interactions of each ligand are shown in black whereas white areas indicate absence of mitogenic signals. Note that ErbB-2 homodimers respond to no known ligand but that the mitogenic action of practically all growth factors can be augmented in the presence of ErbB-2. The data represent compliation of previous results obtained primarily with IL-3-dependent cells and the following ligands: NRG1s (9, 35), NRG2s (16), NRG3 (36), NRG4 (30), EGF (9, 22, 35, 37), transforming growth factor α (22, 37), epiregulin (15, 38), betacellulin (22, 39, 40), amphiregulin, and the viral ligands (17).