Calretinin-deficient mice show motor coordination deficits. Young (≈6-week-old) and aged (18- to 24-month-old) Cr+/+ and Cr−/− mice (n = 4–7 per group) were subjected to the runway test (A) and the stationary horizontal thin rod test (B). The number of slips was counted (A), and the retention time with a maximum of 60 s per trial was measured (B). Values are mean ± SD. ∗∗∗, P < 0.005. Locomotion of young Cr+/+ (C, E, and G) and Cr−/− mice (D, F, and H) (n = 5 per group) also was analyzed in the wheel running test (C–H). Locomotion of Cr−/− mice (F and H) was reduced both in an unperturbed condition (F) and in the presence of a sensory perturbation (H), which induced an oscillatory elevation of the hindlimb foot (D and H). Arrows and arrowheads point to plastic tapes used as sensory disturbers and retroreflective markers, respectively.