Fig. 6. MCP-1 sensitizes the capsaicin-responsiveness of cultured DRG neurons.
Cultured DRG neurons transduced with a CCR2 expressing adenovirus were pre-treated with MCP-1 or buffer solution for 10 min. Subsequently, neurons were treated with a low concentration (0.1 μM) of capsaicin (CAP) (L), a high concentration (1.0 μM) of CAP (H), and high potassium (50K). Neurons were identified by 50K-responsiveness. A) In the control group, most neurons did not respond to 0.1 μM CAP (blue trace). In the MCP-1-treated group, most neurons that responded to 1.0 μM CAP also responded to 0.1 μM CAP (red). B) Results are summarized. There was no difference in the total number of CAP-responsive neurons. However, MCP-1 pre-treatment increased neurons that were responsive to 0.1 μM CAP (pooled result of four different experiments. In the control group 27 out of 66 neurons responded to 1.0 μM CAP, of which only one responded to 0.1 μM CAP. In MCP-1-treated group, 44 out of 89 responded to 1.0 μM CAP, of which 28 responded to 0.1 μM CAP).