Figure 3.
Cytotoxicity and subcellular localization of mutant ataxin-2[Q58]. (a) Full-length ataxin-2[Q58] and ataxin-2del42[Q58], but not ataxin-2N[Q58] show increased cell death compared with GFP vector control (One-way ANOVA P<0.0001). Each histogram represents the Mean ± SD of two independent experiments performed in triplicate (n=6, except for * where n=5). The P values obtained from the Tukey’s Multiple Comparison Test are shown above the respective bars. (b) Transfection of full-length ataxin-2[Q58] disrupted Golgi labeling, while both truncated ataxin-2N[Q58] and Lsm-AD deleted ataxin-2del42[Q58] did not affect Golgi labeling. Note the prominent formation of perinuclear aggregates in cells transfected with ataxin-2del42[Q58].