Figure 2.
SDS-PAGE analyses of proteolytic digestion. 1 – protein ladder; 2 and 11 - α1-PI standard; 3 - α1-PI standard kept O/N at RT; 4 – Supernatant (S) from 5 days growth of A. niger AB4-1; 5 - α1-PI + S (initial, pH 3.5) O/N, RT; 6 - α1-PI + S (initial, pH 3.5) O/N, 4°C; 7 - α1-PI + S pH 7.3 kept O/N at RT; 8 - α1-PI + S pH 7.3 kept O/N at 4°C; 9 - α1-PI + S pH 8.4 kept O/N at RT; 10 - α1-PI + S pH 8.4 kept O/N at 4°C. The initial concentration of α1-PI standard in all samples was 5.175 mg/mL.