(A) Quantitative Western blot analysis of NFκB p65, c-Jun, and ATF2 distribution in fractionated lysates of WT macrophages transfected with the indicated combinations of L. monocytogenes genomic DNA and synthetic MDP. “C” indicates cytosolic fractions and “N” indicates nuclear fractions. Nuclear abundance of proteins (indicated below the nuclear fraction within each blot) was normalized to the nuclear protein Lamin B, which also serves as fractionation control. For each transcription factor, abundance in the nucleus of macrophages transfected with L. monocytogenes DNA was arbitrarily set to 10.0, and all other abundances were calculated relative to this. Data was collected from two blots, with each blot using pooled lysates of two independent dishes.
(B) Quantitative Western blot analysis of NFκB p65, c-Jun, and IRF3 protein distribution in fractionated lysates of WT macrophages infected with WT L. monocytogenes for the indicated times (in hours). Where indicated, cells were additionally treated with 10 μg/ml CAPE.
(C) Analysis by qPCR of IFNβ transcriptional induction in WT macrophages infected with WT L. monocytogenes for 3 hours. Where indicated, cells were additionally treated with 10 μg/ml CAPE. The “*” indicates that these values are significantly different statistically with a p-value of 0.03.