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. 2008 Jan 16;3(1):e1439. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0001439

Table 2. Present and potential future ranges of endemic and near-endemic species.

Species Status Range extent (no. of grid cells) Potential future range extent (R) and overlap (O) (proportion of extent of simulated present range; upper figures are for the A2 and lower for the B2 emissions scenario)
observed/simulated GFDL HadCM3 ECHAM4
Calonectris diomedea NE/m 80/109 0·394/0·055 0·596/0·083 0·394/0·092
Cory's Shearwater 0·294/0·138 0·495/0·055 0·541/0·055
Puffinus yelkouan NE/pm 68/90 0·211/0·011 0·300/0·000 0·167/0·000
Yelkouan Shearwater 0·278/0·100 0·356/0·000 0·200/0·000
Phalacrocorax aristotelis NE 283/290 0·976/0·500 0·797/0·479 0·859/0·386
Shag 1·069/0·555 0·841/0·441 0·931/0·466
Milvus milvus NE/pm 632/659 0·599/0·259 0·419/0·035 0·624/0·041
Red Kite 0·756/0·393 0·580/0·138 0·624/0·103
Accipiter brevipes NE/m 107/146 0·411/0·130 0·767/0·192 0·247/0·151
Levant Sparrowhawk 0·610/0·281 1·144/0·288 0·658/0·267
Aquila adalberti E 40/46 2·065/0·435 2·370/0·000 2·478/0·000
Spanish Imperial Eagle 2·000/0·370 1·652/0·000 2·196/0·000
Falco eleonorae NE/m 55/81 1·086/0·247 4·741/0·370 2·679/0·210
Eleonora's Falcon 0·975/0·358 2·938/0·358 2·136/0·235
Alectoris graeca E 235/255 1·682/0·161 2·039/0·129 2·639/0·059
Rock Partridge 1·298/0·286 1·949/0·161 2·247/0·098
Alectoris rufa E 570/611 0·753/0·462 0·822/0·278 0·830/0·291
Red-legged Partridge 1·020/0·635 0·809/0·347 0·825/0·326
Porzana parva NE/m 382/615 0·600/0·276 0·610/0·133 0·400/0·024
Little Crake 0·743/0·302 0·654/0·213 0·528/0·140
Stercorarius skua E/m 67/61 0·475/0·213 0·262/0·115 0·541/0·230
Great Skua 0·770/0·361 0·639/0·180 0·672/0·279
Larus melanocephalus NE/pm 102/121 0·099/0·000 0·653/0·025 0·364/0·000
Mediterranean Gull 0·174/0·008 0·719/0·066 0·413/0·008
Larus audouinii NE/pm 39/51 0·137/0·000 0·255/0·000 0·176/0·000
Audouin's Gull 0·412/0·157 0·137/0·000 0·059/0·000
Picus viridis NE 1754/2057 0·868/0·687 0·943/0·557 1·027/0·514
Green Woodpecker 0·974/0·778 0·996/0·661 1·092/0·667
Dendrocopos medius NE 889/1165 0·758/0·415 0·647/0·130 0·707/0·022
Middle Spotted Woodpecker 0·877/0·524 0·825/0·336 0·775/0·144
Lullula arborea NE/pm 1698/2079 0·702/0·554 0·902/0·528 0·965/0·506
Woodlark 0·835/0·702 0·941/0·601 0·999/0·578
Anthus pratensis NE/pm 1620/2268 0·456/0·432 0·448/0·403 0·496/0·420
Meadow Pipit 0·567/0·541 0·555/0·510 0·584/0·505
Anthus petrosus E/pm 268/308 0·744/0·545 0·740/0·536 0·666/0·468
Rock Pipit 0·744/0·552 0·818/0·588 0·740/0·539
Prunella modularis NE/pm 2004/2672 0·699/0·658 0·601/0·549 0·673/0·639
Dunnock 0·784/0·747 0·719/0·665 0·763/0·721
Erithacus rubecula NE/pm 2569/3254 0·757/0·716 0·738/0·680 0·823/0·760
Robin 0·828/0·787 0·815/0·754 0·892/0·829
Saxicola rubetra NE/m 2148/2866 0·654/0·613 0·523/0·477 0·604/0·558
Whinchat 0·778/0·736 0·693/0·645 0·673/0·629
Turdus torquatus NE/pm 544/567 1·166/0·310 0·935/0·293 1·146/0·312
Ring Ouzel 1·222/0·388 1·079/0·360 1·145/0·370
Acrocephalus paludicola NE/m 61/88 0·670/0·011 0·739/0·000 0·443/0·000
Aquatic Warbler 1·023/0·011 0·784/0·000 0·557/0·000
Acrocephalus palustris NE/m 1376/1945 0·796/0·663 0·746/0·445 0·828/0·448
Marsh Warbler 0·899/0·768 0·881/0·623 0·903/0·563
Hippolais icterina NE/m 1432/2017 0·569/0·484 0·452/0·271 0·547/0·307
Icterine Warbler 0·689/0·604 0·607/0·424 0·644/0·418
Sylvia balearica/ S. sarda E/pm 37/51 0·824/0·020 1·020/0·000 1·843/0·000
Balearic Warbler/ Marmora's Warbler 1·157/0·294 0·608/0·000 0·961/0·000
Sylvia undata NE 459/522 1·042/0·670 1·071/0·303 1·437/0·460
Dartford Warbler 1·159/0·784 0·864/0·385 1·266/0·490
Sylvia atricapilla NE/pm 2536/3106 0·913/0·823 0·921/0·760 1·090/0·873
Blackcap 0·956/0·883 0·960/0·812 1·100/0·902
Regulus ignicapillus NE/pm 1048/1124 0·873/0·483 0·898/0·367 0·978/0·202
Firecrest 0·957/0·618 0·874/0·436 0·959/0·317
Ficedula albicollis NE/m 442/629 0·909/0·402 0·653/0·021 0·700/0·021
Collared Flycatcher 0·992/0·482 0·758/0·200 0·661/0·049
Parus cristatus NE 1590/2085 0·731/0·561 0·609/0·343 0·816/0·467
Crested Tit 0·858/0·683 0·737/0·500 0·886/0·523
Parus caeruleus NE 2526/2950 0·905/0·816 1·019/0·817 1·149/0·893
Blue Tit 0·940/0·858 1·048/0·868 1·153/0·905
Certhia brachydactyla NE 1226/1348 0·992/0·646 0·980/0·390 1·141/0·361
Short-toed Treecreeper 1·054/0·760 1·056/0·567 1·136/0·448
Cyanopica cyanus E 105/134 1·164/0·410 0·978/0·000 1·470/0·060
Azure-winged Magpie 1·209/0·493 0·754/0·045 1·164/0·090
Sturnus unicolor NE 291/324 0·806/0·485 0·528/0·065 0·843/0·142
Spotless Starling 0·886/0·617 0·435/0·136 0·765/0·204
Passer×italiae E 185/196 1·704/0·071 2·454/0·061 2·816/0·000
Italian Sparrow 1·372/0·148 1·995/0·143 2·367/0·005
Serinus citrinella E/pm 169/171 0·719/0·222 0·415/0·082 0·643/0·035
Citril Finch 0·936/0·240 0·538/0·094 0·520/0·094
Loxia scotica E 14/7 0·429/0·000 2·000/0·000 2·143/0·000
Scottish Crossbill 0·286/0·000 2·857/0·000 3·143/0·000
Loxia pytyopsittacus NE 471/781 0·494/0·384 0·373/0·251 0·531/0·287
Parrot Crossbill 0·569/0·472 0·583/0·408 0·671/0·389
Emberiza cirlus NE 882/992 1·412/0·778 1·721/0·751 1·965/0·729
Cirl Bunting 1·356/0·854 1·538/0·794 1·820/0·769

Species' status is categorised as: E–endemic; NE–near-endemic; m–long-distance migrant; pm–short-distance or partial migrant. Migratory status was determined according to the predominant behaviour of the population breeding in Europe.

Range extent is expressed as the number of grid squares in which the species is observed or simulated to be present; simulated ranges are often more extensive because species were simulated for ‘no data’ grid squares that fell within the climatic space of the data.

Two species classified as endemic and one classified as near-endemic are omitted from the Table. The distribution of Sitta whiteheadi (E; 6 recorded occurrences) could not be modelled, whilst the models obtained for Tetrao mlokosiewiczi (NE; 50 recorded occurrences) and Tetraogallus caucasicus (E; 30 recorded occurrences) were not considered useful and were rejected.